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Where To Fit Burglar Alarms & CCTVs At Office?

While it's important to procure the best and latest burglar alarms and CCTV set-ups for your workplace, its equally important to pick its right installation spots so it performs exactly as you want it to.

The whole purpose of adding CCTV cams and burglar alarms to your workplace is to deter break-ins and closely monitor the activities of everyone present both in general timings and after-hours.

But if you aren't able to determine the right spots to install your alarm systems and CCTV cameras, then this post will educate you.

So, follow the post carefully!

· The Entrance -Be sure to place your burglar alarm and outdoor CCTV cameras at approximately 3-4 feet over the main entrance. This will ensure proper monitoring of everyone who comes in and goes out.

· The Lobby or the Reception - If your office lobby or reception is a spacious one, then it would make sense to add more than 1 CCTV camera to monitor the entire area properly.

Speak to your CCTV installer operating near you in Picton to help you determine the number of CCTV cams (and possibly a burglar alarm system) needed. You should consider multiple vantage CCTV installations to get a comprehensive understanding of the entire scene.

· Around Employee Cubicles or Cabins - This is another spot which you can think of installing CCTV cameras. Alarm systems won't be needed for such areas. But to constantly monitor what your employees are up to having a wide-angled camera should be added.

Unless of course you don't trust some particular employees (due to their past) and would rather have CCTV cameras with extra zoom feature to keep watch of their every single movement.

· Stairwells, Back Areas Or Parking Areas - The installation scope of CCTV cameras is also possible in these areas. You can also think of adding a burglar alarm system at the rear-end of your office set-up- especially to prevent possible break-ins from the back-door.

· Safe Area/Restricted Zones - Look to add a CCTV cam at the office vault area to keep it safe. You can further amp up its security aspect by installing motion sensor alarms. In addition to this; you should also add CCTV camera(s) in those office restricted zones which allow access to only the superior employees.


Now that you have a clear picture of where to add burglar alarms and CCTV cameras in your office place, it would be wise to call in security experts operating in and across Picton and Bankstown to help you sort out your security systems covering the aforementioned (and other risk prone) spots.

They will be more than happy to help.

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